Monthly Archives: May 2023
New Chicks Not Eating Well
I brought home four new chicks from the hatchery this year. There were initially just two Silver Laced Wyandottes and two Americaunas (Easter Eggers) but then chicken math happened. I fed them after midnight and had more the next day. … Continue reading
New Chicks Coming to Phenix JiRa’s Backyard!
In a couple of days, I will be driving back to the same hatchery where I purchased my current flock of chickens in order to get 4 new baby chickens. We call them chicks! This time around I am getting … Continue reading
Chicken Coop Modifications
Today we added a board under the coop for next years outside nesting box. Michael gets struck in the head, Miss Cloud tries to help, and I’m somewhere in the jungle. That’s right… Michael is under the coop! His favorite … Continue reading