The very first video I published was from my channel called Phenix JiRa Readings on August 24, 2020 and was a handful of poems about the ocean which were written by Mary Lou Healy. She very generously gave me permission to read her poems and create beautiful videos of them. This video, along with others in the beginning, prove that I was learning as I went along. Since then, I feel the videos have improved along with my ability to read the poems in an appropriate way. My speaking ability has improved because of this adventure.

Below is a more recent video showcasing Mary Lou Healy’s poem called Finding a Balance
The first video I published in the Phenix JiRa Gaming channel was on September 5, 2020 and was simply a video of me running through Gift Grab in the Yahtzee with Buddies game on my phone. Since then this video has about 2000 views. I realize that isn’t really a lot but I still find it interesting considering the quality of the video. I’ve gotten better with time LOL!

I have MANY playlists in this channel so I will simply link the main page where you can look at the different game types and get a few laughs at my expense. 😉
Below is one of the more recent videos about the Prize Pass section of Yahtzee with Buddies.
I created a new channel in 2021 called Phenix JiRa Living as a special location for my chicken videos, projects around the house, and anything else that came up during life. That, of course, covers a great deal of subjects. In general, it is a Vlog which is much different than my other channels. The first video was published September 28, 2021 wherein I describe my new adventure into owning and raising chickens.

Below is a more recent video of the chicks and their transformation to chickens.