Tag Archives: Winter

Chicken Leg Injury Recovery

Thumbnail ala Thursday… weekend videos! More winterizing… added plastic to the chicken run to protect from the wind and rain. I did this last year and it worked great! https://youtu.be/X7vz4MwJTdQ?si=yv1Cc… In the meantime, PK decided to hurt her other leg … Continue reading

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Weekend Chickens – April 1

It snowed for a few hours blocking the sun and the fun.But we got some some time in the yard, a mysterious visitor, & 2 annoying visitors.Some surprise snow for the chickens! Today we ate beef and glared at the … Continue reading

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Trying to Prep Chickens for Winter

Preparing for the REALLY cold weather that’s on it’s way soon. It’s set to be zero degrees (give or takeā€¦ like that matters). This is my attempt to keep out the snow and prevent the water from freezing while also … Continue reading

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