Tag Archives: Updates

Flock Update & Chicken Bititch Police

I decided it was about time to do a video update on the lives of the chickens to this point. We go over they why’s and how’s and take a look at the chickens today. I also threatened to call … Continue reading

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Video Scheduling Update

I have several videos created and uploaded for future posting however I have decided to release them quicker than originally intended. Literally, I have been filming my five chickens since the day them came home to their brooder box in … Continue reading

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February is Coming

Good morning! New poetry reading videos are coming out for February. There is one left over from January that will sneak into the new month but theremaining poems read for February will be under the theme of Beliefs and Thoughts. … Continue reading

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Why Phenix JiRa as a Pen Name?

Phenix is a special spelling of the mythical bird, phoenix. I identify with the bird and it’s life cycle, although I have not determined how to come back from the ashes. JiRa is a combination of my first and last … Continue reading

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