Video Scheduling Update

I have several videos created and uploaded for future posting however I have decided to release them quicker than originally intended.

Literally, I have been filming my five chickens since the day them came home to their brooder box in the garage. Today they are at day 147 which is 21 weeks old. The videos currently published are only at day 98 so I’m a tad bit behind the present day.

In an effort to bring us all up to speed, I am publishing them daily (rather than the 3 per week I was doing). The main reason for this is because one of my chickens, Trinity, finally laid her first egg and I want that to be published soon.

I suppose, in the long run, it doesn’t really matter exactly when I put the videos into circulation but I like things to be real and ‘now’.

Look for the videos soon.

As another note to add here… I am continuing to publish poetry reading and gaming videos on their particular channels (phenix jira gaming and phenix jira readings). Due to the three channels and all of the videos, I am beginning to get bogged down. Not complaining, just commenting.

Please consider joining my Patreon family which will honestly help me feed the chickens and focus on content that others may enjoy along with me.

Membership is as low as $3 with other levels at $5 and $9. Thank you for your support!

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